Miniature Cottage: Your full service dollhouse miniature store in Nashville, Tennessee
410 East Iris Drive Nashville Tennessee 37204
If you would like to see if we have something in stock for sure then mark check/money order when you go to pay. We then pull your items and send you an email letting you know it is in store. Then you simply reply to the email if you want to pay by pay pal and we will send you a request.
Starting February storefront is open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 10-4.
We are closed Friday and Sunday.
To welcome Spring we are offering 10% off all our Easter goodies starting February 1st! We have a lot of new stock that is going up daily on our web site!
New Goodies are being created by Joey Casey and Renee' Marlowe as pictured above and below!
Also some vintage Easter goodies are being put on like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland!
NEW CLASS FOR THE SPRING! Stucco the wall and lay a floor inside a wood box. The Gold Room is taught by Renee' Marlowe on April 4th (Friday) from 10-4. Call the shop to sign up. Half deposit is required.
International customers please be aware that unless we send your packages insured we cannot be responsible for damages. We are happy to ship to you and we will ship first class if you like which is usually fine.
We supply the tracking so you can keep up with the package. If you want insurance please ask for it and we will let you know how much it will cost to ship it. Otherwise we send it the cheapest way to save you money.
Pay Pal is the cheapest way for us to ship and if you use a credit instead we may have to contact you for more money as the shipping is higher. The postal rates continue to rise and we are trying to keep the shipping cost down. If your shipping is less than our cart is charging you we will refund excessive shipping from your order and let you know we did.
Also, due to the United States Postal changes we do not ship outside the United States if you use a credit card. However if you pay with Pay Pal they usually will allow us to ship through them with no problem.
We are always shooting new items and pieces from collections that we buy from customers so be sure to check the “New Products” box on our front page to see the newest items!